45 Pi Day Jokes Guaranteed to Get Students Laughing

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Pi Day is the perfect occasion to celebrate all things math with a slice of laughter! Whether you’re a teacher looking to add some chuckles to your classroom or a parent hoping to make math more fun at home, these funny Pi Day jokes are just what you need.

We’ve rounded up a collection of hilarious math jokes for kids that are sure to bring some laughs to your classroom! From food-themed pi day jokes to funny math humour, these zingers are perfect for celebrating the day and making math fun.

But first, a brief pi refresher will set the stage for the jokes ahead.

Two female elementary students sharing some pi day jokes and laughs.

Understanding Pi

Pi (π) is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference (the distance around the edge) to its diameter (the distance across the circle).

In simpler terms, pi tells us how many times the diameter of a circle fits around the edge of that circle. Pi is approximately 3.14, but it’s actually an irrational number, which means it goes on forever without repeating or ending.

Pi is important in geometry, especially when working with circles. It helps us calculate things like the area and circumference of a circle.

An image of a calculator showing the digits 3.14159.

45 Pi Day Jokes

You may have math games with dice lined up for Pi Day or even some fun math board games planned, but don’t forget the laughs! These Pi Day jokes will have your students giggling all class long.

Pi Jokes Related to Math

How do mathematicians celebrate Pi Day?

What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?

What is the volume of a pizza with radius ‘z’ and thickness ‘a’?

Why is the diameter always so calm?

What’s wrong with the equation ‘A = π r²?’

Pi Day Jokes Involving Circles

Why don’t circles ever get into arguments?

Why don’t circles ever get lost?

What’s a circle’s favorite way to stay in shape?

What do you call a bird who loves circles?

Why did the circle go to school?

Food-Themed Pi Day Jokes

What was Sir Isaac Newton’s favorite dessert?

What’s a math teacher’s favorite fruit?

What type of graph does a baker use to organize recipes?

Why shouldn’t you eat too much pi?

What do you call a bakery run by mathematicians?

Pi Day Jokes That Incorporate 3.14

How many bakers does it take to make a pie?

Why is highway 3.14 so exciting to drive?

What do you call 3.14% of sailors?

How many carbs are in a slice of pi?

What did the math teacher rate the movie Life of Pi?

Funny Wordplay Pi Day Jokes

What would you call a secret agent who is very good at math?

What do you get when a bunch of sheep stand around in a circle?

How are mathematicians and the air force similar?

What type of snake loves math?

What did they serve for lunch in the cafeteria on Pi Day?

Pi Day Jokes to Make Students Smile

Why couldn’t the student get the joke about pi?

Who invented the round table?

Why did Pi’s friends stop hanging out with him?

Why did the student eat their math homework?

Why isn’t pi on X (Twitter)?

Groan-Inducing Pi Day Jokes

Want to hear me recite as much pi as I can?

What do sharks eat for dessert?

How do you know if a math tutor is any good?

Why should you never talk to pi?

What do you call someone who is obsessed with pi?

More Pi Day Laughs

What is the best way to serve pi?

Why did the baker panic during the math test?

If pi was a book, what book would it be?

What did pi say to the circumference of a circle?

Why is pi terrible at telling stories?

Irrational Pi Day Jokes

What did Pi say to their parents during an argument?

Why is pi afraid of repeating itself?

Why is the math teacher so tough when teaching pi?

What do you call it when someone gets a tattoo of pi on their face?

How did pi celebrate its birthday?

Mark Your Calendars: Pi Day is Celebrated in March

Every year on March 14th (3/14), math lovers around the world celebrate Pi Day! The date represents the first three digits of pi (3.14), making it the perfect time to appreciate this mathematical marvel.

Pi Day was officially recognized in 1988 when physicist Larry Shaw organized the first celebration at the Exploratorium in San Francisco. Since then, it has grown into a global event filled with math activities, pie-eating contests, and, of course, plenty of pi-themed jokes!

An image that says 'International Pi Day March 14' with the pi symbol.

Fun and Easy Ways to Celebrate Pi Day

Sharing Pi Day jokes and playing math games makes learning fun and memorable! Here are five more exciting ways to celebrate Pi Day in the classroom:

Write Pi-Themed Poetry

Challenge students to write a “Pi-ku” poem, a spin-off of the haiku that follows a 3-1-4 syllable pattern. This activity combines math and language arts in a creative way and helps reinforce pi’s significance in a fun format.

Celebrate Pi Day With Pie

What’s Pi Day without pie? Bring in mini pies for a tasty treat, organize a classroom pie-tasting event, or even bake pies together if possible. Use this as a fun opportunity for a hands-on math lesson – cut pies into different fractions to demonstrate halves, thirds, and quarters in a deliciously memorable way.

A picture of three children wearing chefs hats and aprons, preparing to bake some pie as a pi day activity.

Make a Pi Paper Chain

By using different coloured paper strips to represent each digit of pi, students can create a paper pi chain. Start with 3.14 and continue adding as many digits as possible, with each number getting its own color. This hands-on activity is a fun way for students to visualize pi while working together to see how long their chain can grow.

A to Z Pi Day Scavenger Hunt

Challenge students to come up with words related to pi, circles, and math for each letter of the alphabet. Using an alphabet scavenger hunt template, they can start with A for “Approximate” (since pi is an irrational number), B for “Base” (as in base of a shape), C for “Circle,” and D for “Diameter.” Encourage creativity and discussion as they fill in the chart, justifying their choices if needed.

An image of our A to Z scavenger hunt template.

These fun and engaging activities make Pi Day an unforgettable experience for students!

The Wrap-Up: Pi Day Jokes for Students

Pi Day is a time to honour the wonders of mathematics – and what better way to celebrate than with a little humour? These Pi Day jokes are perfect for adding some laughter to your Pi Day activities, whether you’re cracking them in the classroom or sharing them over dessert.

Laughter is the best way to make math approachable and fun, so let these jokes lighten the mood as you explore the magic of pi.

Want even more Pi Day inspiration? Keep the fun going with books about pi that bring math to life.

Happy Pi Day!

📌 Pin this for a Pi Day filled with infinite laughs!

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