Find That’s So Montessori products on Etsy and Teachers Pay Teachers!

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The Teachers Pay Teachers logo is large and below it it says, "Our shop on TPT". You can click the link to get to our store.

Additionally, explore our educational and engaging self-published books, Carl the Cantankerous Cat and Draw Doodle Scribble Think Create, available on Amazon.

At That’s So Montessori, we craft educational products designed to elevate learning experiences.

From educational games to Montessori-inspired materials and thought-provoking activities, our collection fosters independent, curious, and confident learners, aligning with Montessori principles.

Our Goal:

Our team, a passionate Montessori elementary teacher and digital designer duo, merges expertise to offer visually appealing, purposeful resources. With a focus on professional, engaging, and fun materials, we strive to support children’s development.

Download a Sample of What We’re All About!

Explore our range and experience the perfect blend of educational excellence and captivating design. Access free samples on our Free Downloads page and blogs, and join us in making learning enjoyable for everyone!